After being arrested, one of the first things that suspects may want to know is how soon they can get themselves out of jail. Most people are willing to pay bail rather than risk spending any more time behind bars.
The first hearing after being arrested usually allows the courts to set bail for the suspect. This is the amount that will act as a surety bond to ensure the suspects honor their court appearances throughout the case.
However, posting bail can be done without the need to go to court, although this is not always a straightforward process. The bail amounts will be predetermined according to the nature of the criminal charges. Our team can advise on how to bail someone out of jail in Texas.
In any case, suspects need to make sure they have an experienced defense attorney on their side, whether they are about to make their first court appearance or arrange bail for the alleged crime. Sparks Law Firm in Ft. Worth, Texas, is ready to help with questions such as Is bail possible after a conviction in Texas?

What Are Bail Schedules?
Sometimes, a cash bail amount can be posted with the police without the need to make a court appearance.
When suspects choose to pay bail in this way, they can refer to the bail schedules posted by the jail. This specifies the bail amount that will need to be paid for each particular criminal charge.
After paying the money outlined on the bail schedule, the arrested person can obtain immediate release without having to spend any time behind bars. This is beneficial to all parties involved because it tackles the overcrowding problem in many county jails and allows a suspect to go home soon after their arrest.
However, it is important to know that this bail amount is inflexible. The officer in charge can only accept a payment that is in line with the bail schedule.
If the suspect does not have enough money or feels that they should be charged more lenient bail amounts, they will need to go before a judge.
Common Issues With Using Bail Schedules
While a bail schedule (or bail bond schedule) is a great tool for expediting the processing of suspects in preparation for their hearing, it does have some problems that need to be considered.
One of the biggest issues that defense attorneys constantly have to battle against is the tendency for arresting officers to charge suspects with the most serious crimes possible.
This then automatically means the suspect will need to pay a higher bail amount than their supposed crime warrants. For more information, a criminal defense lawyer may be able to help.
A good example is a person who is arrested on suspicion of drug possession but is booked for drug trafficking instead.
The amount of money listed on the bail schedule is a lot more for trafficking than it would be for possession, and the suspect has no way to argue their case unless they are willing to wait for a court appearance to try to convince the judge who is setting bail on their case.
Even if the prosecutor chooses to reduce the charges at a later date, it would be too late to help the suspect who had to decide whether to post bail for a very serious crime or spend a few days in jail waiting for their court appearance.
Factors Affecting Bail Determinations
The following are some of the factors that determine bail amounts in cases where the suspect chose to forgo paying the bail schedule amount:
Severity of the Criminal Charges
In most cases, the judge will set bail according to the seriousness of the crime that the defendant is being accused of.
A felony crime, for example, can require a cash bail that is up to 10 times that which is required for a misdemeanor.
Defendant's Ability to Pay
When the judge sets a bail amount, he will also consider the defendant's financial means. A low bail amount may be too little to force a wealthy suspect to show up in court if they are willing to write off whatever money they paid to the bail bond company.
As such, many states, including Texas, now encourage judges to carefully consider how much money the suspect has before finalizing the defendant's bail.
Defendant's Criminal History and Community Ties
Any defendant who is considered a flight risk will attract a much higher amount of bail. Having a criminal history or a lack of community ties strong enough to prevent them from fleeing are two of the things that work against a defendant's bail hearing.
Duty Judges Vs. Bail Schedules
A duty judge can fix bail amounts over the phone. This is considered one of the alternatives to using bail schedules. In places where bail schedules are not in place, this can be the only way for a suspect to avoid spending some time in jail before their court case.
Can Bail Be Denied?
Yes, bail can be denied at the judge's discretion for various reasons, such as the severity of the crime of having a defendant who is considered a flight risk. However, in some states, bail is a constitutional right that cannot be denied under any circumstances.
How the Texas Bail System Works
In Texas, the bail process works in the following ways:
Bail Hearing/Schedule
After the arrest, the suspect's bail will be determined either by a judge or based on the current bail schedule. Various factors will be considered before determining the exact amount of bail that needs to be paid.
Paying the Bail Amount
Next, the suspect will need to pay the required amount either in cash or through a bail bond. Since most people do not have easy access to the cash required, they often resort to using bail bonds as a feasible alternative.
However, bail bonds cost money, which is often about 10% of the bail set by the court or bail schedule. This makes a bail bond undesirable for some people.
Another option is to opt for a property bond that allows the suspect to pledge their real property assets, such as houses, as surety.
Sticking to the Bail Conditions
Finally, the suspect will need to adhere to the bail conditions they agreed to. If not, they risk losing the money that was put up by the bail bondsman.
Can Bail Bonds Be Refunded?
Yes, as long as the suspect adheres to the conditions of their bail, the money they pay will be returned. This means making sure they appear in court on the required days.

Sparks Law Firm Offers a Free Consultation
In Texas, suspects can post bail without having to wait for a court hearing by using what is known as a bail schedule. Sparks Law Firm has been helping clients in similar situations for many years and is ready to offer a free consultation at its Fort Worth offices.
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